All-Sports Golf Rulebook


All-sports golf is like regular golf, but instead of using metal sticks in a futile attempt to whack tiny balls into tiny holes, you use awesome stuff like Footballs and Basketballs. Instead of tiny holes in the ground, you shoot at big plastic totes.

Tool of the Trade

When playing All-Sports golf, you have 5 clubs at your disposal:

Use All Your Clubs

On each hole, you can only use a particular club once unless you've already used all five. If you still haven't completed the hole after using all five clubs, you can use any club you wish until the hole is complete.

Shooting Locations

You start each new hole from the basket of the previous hole. You can shoot from anywhere up to 10FT away from the starting basket so long as you are not closer to the target basket than it.

After your first shot from the tee box, each subsequent shot is taken from whenever your club landed. You can stand in front of it so long as one of your feet is touching it. You can use this to get closer to the basket by leaning forwards with your back foot just barely touching the club on the ground.

Out of Bounds

There is no such thing as out-of-bounds in All-Sports golf. If you can get into position next to your last shot, you can take your next shot even if that means you're up to your eyeballs in thorny brush. However, if your are unable to recover your club or can't physically get into position where it is, you must take a stroke penalty and return to your previous shot location.

Stroke Penalties

A stroke penalty is denoted on the scorecard as a "X". You do NOT record the previous shot. For example, let's say your first shot of a hole is using a Frisbee and you slice that thing deep into the woods. It happens, don't feel too bad. You can take a stroke penalty and perform your next shot from the tee box which will count as your 2nd shot of the hole. You can take a stroke penalty to return to your previous shooting location even if your last shot isn't inaccessable. This is useful for situations such as a basketball rolling down a driveway and ending up further from the target basket than where you started from.

Completing a Hole

The hole is complete when the club lands inside of the basket and stays there. The basket falling over or the ball bouncing out does NOT count as completing the hole. The basket angle cannot be adjusted and must stay with the long edge facing typical direction of approach.

Allowed Methods of Using Clubs

Each club must be used in a manner similar to how it would be used in it's actual sport, with some added limitations. Here are the rules about each club:

Ultimate Frisbee

There are no restrictions on how the frisbee can be thrown. Go crazy with it.


The football can be thrown overhand like a quarterback but may also be tossed underhand like a lateral pass. It may not be kicked or punted.


The basketball must be thrown with two hands. It cannot be lobbed with one hand like one would do from half court.


The volleyball cannot be thrown but rather must be struck with the hand. This maybe while holding it with one hand and hitting it with the closed fist of the other or it may be tossed up and hit with the palm. It cannot be kicked or rolled.

Soccer Ball

The soccer ball must be kicked from the ground. It cannot be drop kicked, thrown, rolled, etc.